Sunday, March 27, 2011

The beginning

  • This is a recent email I sent out

    James Smith

    March 16
    James Smith
    • Hello there
      Hi Linda. Jim Smith here, Lily's ex-husband. You may remember me from that caustic email I sent you a couple years ago.
      The reason for this email relates closely to that email.
      I was reading last night and was suddenly reminded of that whole incident. I believe at the time I apologized and explained that I thought you were someone harrassing Lily and I. There is more to it than that. Since you were an inadverant victim I thought you should know. Lily or I should have explained it to you long ago but to be honest I pretty much forgot about it. It seems like such a small thing compared to the Meth addiction and dealing, the horrible violence and incessant stream of wild lies. So...if you want to know, here is the story not told to you.
      Very soon after Lily and I made a commitment to each other Lily received an email from a friend,, telling her horrible things about me. When Lily showed me the email I asked her who it was. She told me it was a Linda Garcia who she met at POF and had been exchanging emails with for some time. Lily didnt really know much more about her. More emails from this Linda followed, again saying horrible, personal things about me. I emailed this the person in a very angry manner attempting to get some information on her identity. More emails from her followed, again with personal information about me. This Linda was obviously very computer savvy. At one point she was able to hack into my personal email account and sent some of my work collegues nasty emails. I was pulling my hair out. Then it all stopped. I could never track this horrible person down and she stopped her horrible attack. Several months later, for some reason I saw Lily recieved an email from a Linda Garcia. (I would never snoop in Lily's email so there had to be a good reason I saw it) and KAPOW! my email to you. Wrong Linda Garcia. Again I apologize. That closed her email account some time after that but she sure had plenty more with plenty of aliases on every sex and hookup site on the internet. When I asked Lily what Linda's last name was, it was yours that popped into her head and hence you became one of her victims. I suspected what was going on right after my email to you. I guess I really knew it all along but was too busy patching holes she punched in the wall to think about it (to actually bring it up in a conversation was to beg for a beat down). I wasnt going to tell you this story but you deserve the information. My intent is not to cause and discord between you and lily but simply to walk the line of doing what is right.
      Hope to hear from you.

      It was funny how whenever I got an email from this Lucky_Linda_Baby Lily was never in the room. Kind of like a bad superman movie but not as bad as the Three Stooges movies I would later have to endure when watching Lily, Marsha and Jerry get all tangled up in their lies. This Lucky_Baby_Linda also told me to ask Lily about some guy named Don or something. Since Lily and I just made a commitment to each other I figured it was none of my business and Lily would tell me if she wanted to. I bet Lily was getting a good laugh off of that. Lily always said she was good at relationships and that I wasnt. I guess this is what she meant. 
Hmmm..what's been accomplished...? I am on the defensive, trying to prove that things that dont exist dont exist. Lily is in a position of control and there is a nice smoke screen to cover other activities that shouldn't be seen.....there seems to be a pattern about to happen.

Linda Garcia
30 minutes ago
Linda Garcia
  • i dont know what to say to you...i am glad you were honest, but for some reason lily will not talk to me. i have sent her messages, given her my cell phone number and everything to no avail. i dont know whats going on with her, i wish i knew. did you say x husband? may i ask what happened?
  • James Smith
    a few seconds ago
    James Smith
    • Hi Linda, Thanks for responding. I am somewhat surprised she hasn't responded to you. She is usually very quick to make a false counter accusation and place blame. She is aware I emailed you previously so perhaps she has some shame over the horrible things she has done to others? I doubt it but hope springs eternal. I invite you to view my blog at to answer your question about x husband. The blog titled 'The Last Assault' is a typical day with Lily. You will wonder why I was so stupid to stick with her as long as I did. Thanks again for emailing me. Hope to hear from you soon.
    • p.s. her other x-husband moved to denver (she never bothered to mention this little fact to me) with whom she had hook-ups while we were together. I imagine its now a complicated home we own that she lives in. Her 'x-boyfriend' moved in the day after I left her as well as her daughter and grandkids. She refuses to give me my personal belongings and furniture (much less deal with the home I bought that she is living in) All the while dealing meth....very complicated indeed.  

  • 1 comment:

    1. Here is an email from "Lucky_baby_linda" aka Lily....obviously an attempt to misdirect and manipulate me.

      > Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:45:03 -0800
      > From:
      > Subject: RE:
      > To:
      > did you ask about Harry?
